Tuesday, July 3, 2012

LD, FB, IQ and more !!

About 2 years ago I was told that I have Amblyopia (lazy eye) and along with that diagnosis I was also told that I have a learning disability.  I didn't have a problem sharing the Amblyopia diagnosis with family/friends but I didn't share the LD part with everybody.  I don't know, I guess I just didn't feel like sharing that after brain and other visual tests, I had the written comprehension of an "eighth grader".  The doctor administering the tests and sharing my evaluation was shocked to hear that I graduated with high honors from high school, got mostly A's and made it through 2 years of college.  He looked at me waiting for an answer and all I could think of was, "I wanted it soooo bad that I did whatever it took to get that "A"."  He told me that I had an above level visual memory and we figured out that speed reading was also something that helped me.   While I was going to college, I took an IQ test, just for kicks.  I remember the score and keep it in mind when I start to feel down about my struggles.  I don't put a lot of weight on intelligence tests in general but it is just a little reminder for myself.  A reminder that I am not "less smart" than anybody else.


I currently have 4 or 5 books that I am reading right now.  It takes me a long time to finish a book.  I   often have to read a page and then go back and read it again and sometimes 3 or 4 times.  I try to speed read to process as much as I can before my brain "poops out" on me.  This doesn't mean that I can't learn, it just means that I have to work harder for it.  I also value other means of learning.  I am a very visual learner.  I like to watch documentaries and movies.  I learn from personal experience or the experience others.  My son also learns the same way and has Amblyopia. 

So what does this have to do with FB (Facebook)?  Well, I cannot even begin to tell you how much I have learned since I have joined Facebook.  I like being able to quickly access information and take that information and do other research.  I like to read something or watch something and then share it on my wall.  If it makes sense to somebody else and they can learn from it, great.  If not, they can move along.  I do not post things on Facebook "in order" to have a debate.  If somebody disagrees with what they see or what they read, that is fine.  But, in the end, it is my wall and I will post what resonates with me and what I think to be true at the time.  I change my mind often and keep it wide open. 

Now, going back to my LD, I really like when people respond and share their thoughts about what I post on Facebook.  But, if it is a lengthy comment or you link articles that are really long, please be patient with me.  Also, keep in mind that if you are trying to "teach" me how to think or just continually tell me I am "wrong", expect that I will at the very least delete that post. I often post information about Veganism, Unschooling, Health and Animals.  These are the things I am learning and that I feel passionate about.  Maybe somebody else's life will change for the better the way mine did when somebody posted the Earthlings documentary about a year ago, for example.

I felt compelled to write this blog post and share it on Facebook because I wanted to take a little Facebook break.  The few times I came back to share birthday pictures or check messages, I saw so many wonderful things.  Break over, for now !!!

Thank you to those who took the time to read this and understand me.  Keep sharing your own thoughts and experiences.  Feel free to ask questions about myself or things I share as well.  It is much better than making assumptions or claims about somebody that aren't true.  I will try to do the same.


  1. Those silly doctors!!' If you have a reading comprehension of an 8th grader, than what am I? I stuggle with understanding people but that doesn't mean I'm not smart. A little challenged at times but I do learn. I have a certificate to prove it. Its called a CPA license. I think anyone can learn under the right circumstances. That doesn't make them any more or less intelligent than anyone
    else. Anyway, I enjoyed your article. Keep up the great work.

  2. Thanks for responding. I think I know who this is but can you confirm for me?
